The Doingood Foundation is a registered non-profit (501C3) organization that seeks to serve children impacted by the AIDS pandemic. The Doingood Foundation is under the umbrella of the Seattle Christian Foundation. 

Mission Statement:
Doingood seeks to develop relationships and promote giving of time and resources to spread hope to children so that they may
understand, evaluate, and transform their world from the foundation of God's unchanging values.

Doingood Board of Directors/Advisors:
Jeff & Amy Rogers – Founders
Kendra VanderMuelen – Seattle Christian Foundation, President
Mike Langhout – Silere Medical Technology, Inc., President and CEO
Ryan Peterson - Übermind
Lauren Rogers, Junior Delegate
Addyson Rogers, Junior Delegate
Camryn Rogers, Junior Delegate

Doingood Board of Advisors:
Ralph Rowland, Westminster Chapel, Pastoral Advisor
Andrew Toles, Elm Law, Legal Advisor


We are 100% volunteer and 100% of all donations go directly to projects that impact children in desperate need of help.

Contact The Doingood Foundation through the Seattle Christian Foundation or by contacting Amy Rogers at 425-451-1187.

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